October 2001 News Archive

Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 3:32PM

Intel i845/i850 Compatability Problems?

I saw this at VIAHardware.com. They mention a report at VansHardware that there are compatibility problems with the Intel i845 and i850 chipsets with certain AGP video cards. I think it has to do with the fact that they aren't compatible with some older AGP2x (3.3v) video cards. But after reading this article, it all has to do with the fact that on some video cards, pin A2 doesn't connect to ground.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 3:20PM

2001b Beta v5.15 Build #3634

ICQ has released a new version of their instant messanger, version 5.15 build #3634. There are only a few bug fixes in this release, so go download your version here

Tuesday, October 30, 2001 - 6:55PM

The Internet Archive

I saw this one on ipKonfig. They have a link to a website that has been storing other websites from as early as 1996. The amount of data is somewhere 100TB stored, and 10 billion pages.

Link to website: The Internet Archive

Tuesday, October 30, 2001 - 6:35PM

AOL told to stop shipping AOL 6.0

I saw this at 3DSpotlight. They report that AOL was told to stop shipping their version 6 CD's by a judge. AOL's software contains the WinAMP engine, and the company that produces it got an injunction order to get AOL to stop shipment of the CD's.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Monday, October 29, 2001 - 2:35PM

From Pits to Slits

I saw this at Oveclockers.com. They report that AMD changed the cuts at the L1 bridges from a pit to a slit. This enabled them to close them, and make it easier to overclock. They used epoxy to close the slits, and let it dry, then used rear window defogger paint to close the L1 bridges.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Sunday, October 28, 2001 - 7:15PM

How AMD Processors handle Thermal a Crisis

Tom'sHardware had a review awhile back on how the AMD AthlonMP handles a thermal crisis. Now, another website did the review, and shows how it actually handles a thermal crisis. Tom's Hardware might be baised towards Intel CPU's since his AMD AthlonMP/XP burns up during the test, and the one done in this test did not.

Quote from AMDZone's report: Download movie here

Saturday, October 27, 2001 - 9:25PM

VIA IDE driver for Windows XP

VIA has released new IDE drivers for WinXP. This version is 3.14, and there are reports that say these give a nice performace increase. Go ahead and download them for yourselves and see how well they are.

Download here:
VIA IDE miniport driver 3.0.14

DO NOT use these with WinXP. They change your IDE Devices to SCSI devices, and then you can't use your CD-RW drives. Uninstalling these creates an even further mess, and you'll have no other choice but to re-install Windows XP.

Friday, October 26, 2001 - 8:59PM

Petition to renew ban on Internet Taxes

PetitionOnline has a petition to the US congress to renew the ban on Internet Taxes.

Click here to sign the petition.

Friday, October 26, 2001 - 8:35PM

ABIT KT7A, Palomino and Morgan

X-Bit Labs has a report on how compatible the ABIT KT7A-RAID motherboards are compatible with the newer CPU's. They test both the KT7A-RAID v1.3 which is fully compatible and the KT7A-RAID v1.0~1.2 which is not totally compatible.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Thursday, October 25, 2001 - 4:25PM

Big Four DRAM Makers Sue

I saw this on Icrontic. They report that the four major DRAM makers are suing Samsung Electronics and Hynix Semiconductor for dumping DRAM in Japan.

Quote from report:
Thursday, October 25, 2001 - 4:18PM

Windows XP finally released

I saw an article at Icrontic that mentions that WinXP is finally being released today. As a result most stores that will carry WinXP are being swamped by people buying it. I myself already have a copy of the Windows XP Professional Corporate.

Wednesday, October 24, 2001 - 8:27PM

AMD Suing Intel

I saw this at AMDZone. They mention that TheInquirer has a report over AMD suing Intel, over Intel's alledged monopoly practices in Europe. AMD is trying to get Intel to reveal more info about what they have been doing in Europe.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - 8:17PM

IBM Deskstar 75GXP class action lawsuit filed

I saw this at ArsTechnica. They report that IBM has a class action lawsuit against them over the failures of the Deskstar 75GXP hard drives. Several people at the Icrontic forums that I know of have had problems with these drives.

Quote from report: Click here for complaint filed

Link to reports:
infoworld.com -- pair.com -- cnet.com

Monday, October 22, 2001 - 4:17PM

Windows XP Mobile Athlon Patch

TheInquirer has a report on the new patch for WinXP from Microsoft to make use of the PowerNow that is available in the Mobil Athlons.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Monday, October 22, 2001 - 4:12PM

AMD-760 Chipset To Be Discontinued

AcesHardware reports that the AMD 760 chipset is going to be discontinued because there are enough 3rd party chipsets out there already for the chips.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Sunday, October 21, 2001 - 1:22PM

DDR vs SDR on the SiS735

VansHardware has an article on the comparison between DDRAM and SDRAM on the SiS735 chipset. The SiS735 supports both types of memory (like when motherboards still had SIMMS and DIMMS).

Quote from report: Link to report here

Saturday, October 20, 2001 - 10:22PM

Major P4 Shortages Help Out AMD

I saw this at Icrontic. They report that Intel is having a major P4 shortage, which in turn is helping out AMD by increasing sales, and because of this, AMD is running short on AthlonXP CPU's.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Saturday, October 20, 2001 - 10:12PM

Athlon XP Bridge Connecting

Over at Overclockers.com, they have an article on how to connect the L1 bridges of the AthlonXP.

Quote from report: Link to article here

Friday, October 19, 2001 - 2:12PM


I saw this at [H]ard|OCP. They report on about how the more PC like consoles get the more PC like they act. And I thought that a console wouldn't have errors like what you'll see in the picture

Click on picture to see enlarged view:

Thursday, October 18, 2001 - 3:10PM

AMD Discloses Hammer Architecture

AcesHardware has a nice writeup about the information AMD disclosed about the Hammer architecture. Hammer includes SSE and SSE2 as well as a 16 register implementation of SSE2. The Hammer is a 64 bit processor.

Quote from report: Link to AcesHardware here

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 - 5:10PM

AMD XP chips are MP chips

Over at the Inquirer, they report that the AMD Athlon XP chips are really the Athlon MP's. They say that putting an AMD Athlon XP in a Tyan MP board, they show up as the Athlon MP.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 - 4:55PM

Intel Profits Tumble 77 Percent

I saw this at Yahoo daily news. They report that Intel's profits this quarter fell 77% because of the slowing economy.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 - 2:15PM

Abit KT7E supports AMD Duron/Morgan core

I saw this at 3DSpotlight.com. They report on the fact that the KT7E supports the AMD Duron with the Morgan core. To keep 3DSpotlight updated on the progress of whether or not you have gotten the Morgan Duron to work on your board, click here

Monday, October 15, 2001 - 2:15PM

ATI To Make AthlonXP Chipset

I saw this at AMDZone. They mention that ATI is reportedly going make AthlonXP chipsets. They have a link to TheRegister where the artlicle is located at.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Monday, October 15, 2001 - 2:01PM

VIA to sell their own branded Motherboards

I saw this at 3DSpotlight. They report that VIA is going to sell and manufacture their own motherboards. Their new subdivision is called VIA Platform Solutions Division (VPSD). Thier first product to hit the market will be based on the PX4266 chipset.

Link to VIA's VPSD website here

Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 4:25PM

AMD Trademarks Code 64

Not sure why they would do this, but according to VansHardware it may relate to the x86-64 instruction set on their upcoming Hammer processors. They link to an article at JC's Homepage.

Quote from report: Link to wesbite here

Saturday, October 13, 2001 - 8:30PM

World Trade Center Tribute

I saw this from my Dad's e-mail. It is a website that has been set up to honor those victims of the World Trade Center. However, the person who maintains no longer does because of the hate mail this person has been getting.

Link to website here

Friday, October 12, 2001 - 3:50PM

New ABIT KT7A ver1.3 and KG7 BIOS's

ABIT has released new BIOS's for the KT7A ver1.3 and the KG7 to support the AMD XP Processors.

ABIT KT7A ver1.3 BIOS here

Friday, October 12, 2001 - 3:40PM

New Highpoint370 2.0.1008 drivers

The Paul's unofficial KT7 FAQ has new HPT370 drivers for the Highpoint 370 chipset. These are version 2.0.1008 and are for all OS's.

Link to download here

Thursday, October 11, 2001 - 8:30PM

Soyo Announces UDMA 133 Support

I saw this at Icrontic. They report on the fact that Soyo Announces support for UDMA133. This is the new standard that proceeds ATA100, and runs at 133MB per second.

Quote from report:
Wednesday, October 10, 2001 - 8:10PM

ABIT KT7A ver 1.2 and AMD XP

I saw this at 3DSpotlight. They report that the store AZZO has been testing motherboards to see which ones are compatible with the AMD XP processors, and report that the KT7A ver1.2 freeze on bootup while looking for the CPU microcode. However, the KT7A ver1.3 works properly with the AMD XP processors, and the KG7 works with it as well.

Link to AZZO here

Wednesday, October 10, 2001 - 7:45PM

Reviews of the AMD XP CPU

AMDZone has a list of all the reviews to the AMD XP Processors.

Links to reviews:
Tuesday, October 9, 2001 - 10:45PM

AMD XP Results out

TheRegister has a report out on the results of the AMD XP processors. The XP1800, 1.53GHz CPU beats out the Intel P4 2GHz in some tests including the Internet Content Creation benchmark.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Tuesday, October 9, 2001 - 10:45PM

Compaq offering AMD XP systems

I saw this at AMDZone. They have a post on the fact that Compaq is offering computers with the AMD XP at all speeds in their Presario systems.

Link to Compaq here

Monday, October 8, 2001 - 12:30PM

AMD's 1.8GHz AthlonMP

I saw this at TheInquirer. They report on the fact that AMD will be using the regular Mhz speed for their AthlonMP's. AMD still is going to use the performance rating on their desktop processors.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Sunday, October 7, 2001 - 2:30PM

AMD Hammer in 2002/2003

I saw this at Ace's Hardware. They report that AMD's roadmap states that AMD will be producing and shipping the Hammer in around 2002 and 2003.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Sunday, October 7, 2001 - 1:10PM

AMD XP1800 1.53GHz@1.8GHz

I saw this at [H]ard|OCP. The report that Anthony Skorochod and Oppainter from the Icrontic Forums that they have overclocked an AMD XP1800 1.53GHz CPU to 1.8Ghz. And at the Icrontic forums, Oppainter mentions that he had gotten it overclocked to 2GHz. They are using a Vapochill to cool the CPU down.

Quote from article: Link to article here

Saturday, October 6, 2001 - 1:10PM

PenStar Systems Article on AMD Model numbers

I saw this link at AMDZone. PenStar Systems has an article on the AMD Model number systems.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Saturday, October 6, 2001 - 12:57PM

AMD 3rd Q ASP Decline Larger

I saw this at AMDZone. They report that AMD's 3rd Quarter Average Selling Price (ASP) fell more than expected.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Friday, October 5, 2001 - 3:10PM

No More Computers At Staples

I saw this at 3DSpotlight. They report that Staples is no longer going to sell major name computers, but instead focus on built to order computers. Pretty interesting, considering that Staples is a major office supply store.

Quote from CNet News: Link to report here.
Thursday, October 4, 2001 - 9:10PM

Intel Is Trying To Kill The Floppy And Serial Ports

I saw this at 3DSpotlight.com. They mention a news article at Geek.com about how Intel is planning to kill of the floppy and serial ports. They gave the PC manufactures until next year to comply.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Wednesday, October 3, 2001 - 2:36PM

Win XP doesn't work with WorksSuite Money 2001

I saw this at TheRegister. They report that there are compatibility problems between WinXP and Works Suite Money 2001. Althought they say the fix is to upgrade to Money 2001, several users have reported that they have been using Money 2001 with no problems.

Quote from report: Link to report here

Tuesday, October 2, 2001 - 10:36PM

New Highpoint 2.0.0925 drivers

I saw this at Icrontic. They posted the new drivers for the HPT370. They are version 2.0.0925. They also fix the mouse stuttering problem in WinXP and perhaps 2K.

Link to download them here

Tuesday, October 2, 2001 - 9:45PM

Intel pressuring Indian Resellers Again

I saw this at TheInquirer. They are reporting that Intel is again pressuring Indian resellers to sell only thier CPU's and not AMD or VIA's. Intel should learn that it is not a good idea to be a monopoly, as most governments will apply Anti-Trust laws on them.

Link to report here

Monday, October 1, 2001 - 2:47PM

New 1.1GHz Duron from AMD

I also saw this at 3DSpotlight. They mention that AMD has released the new Duron running at 1.1GHz. I however, would think that the best thing for AMD is to concentrate on releasing faster Palamino Processors (now called AthlonXP).

Quote from report: Link to report here

Monday, October 1, 2001 - 2:45PM

Nvidia Unleashes The Titanium Line

I saw this at 3DSpotlight. They report that Nvidia is releasing the titanium line of the GeForce 2 and 3 video cards. These cards will have higher memory and core speeds which of course will increase the performance of them. Specs of the new cards: Link to report here

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